About the Service


About the Service

In the Consulting Service, we focus on assisting entrepreneurs in growth, expansion, and sustainability. Additionally, we aim to build and enhance managerial, financial, and technical capabilities through advisory sessions with highly competent experts to transfer their experiences and skills

Eligible Beneficiaries

Entrepreneurs and individuals

working in the cultural sector


Small and medium-sized enterprises

in the cultural sector


To Benefit from the Service

Apply and book a consultation by following these steps..

Steps to book a consultation..

  • Download the Nawafth Monshaat App
  • Log in or create a new account
  • Go to Main Services > Consultations > Government Consultations > Cultural Development Fund
  • Book an appointment

Ensure to review the conditions and requirements:

  • The subject of the consultation should fall under one of the 16 cultural sectors.
  • The beneficiary should have a cultural idea or an existing cultural project.


It is an advisory service offered by the Cultural Development Fund in partnership with "Monsha'at". Designed to provide SMEs, entrepreneurs, and individuals with financial and non-financial consultations, helping them grow, and enhance their administrative, financial, and technical capabilities in order to acquire funding.

All SMEs, entrepreneurs, and individuals working in the cultural sector.

All projects listed within the sixteen cultural sectors.

You can apply by visiting Consultation Service page, on the Fund's website.

All topics related to the project in terms of guidance, availability of facilities, support, etc.

The consultation sessions will be presented through Nawafth Monshaat App, either as follows:

  • In-person: At the Support Center for Enterprises.
  • Remotely: Through the Nawafeth application.

All consultations are free of charge. Don't hesitate and register now.

It ranges from half to one hour, depending on the number of needs and the type of consultation.

Yes, it's advisable to prepare a brief about your project or consultation subject.

Yes, you can follow up.

The Consultation Service helps you grow and expand your cultural project. It enhances your administrative, financial, and technical capabilities by connecting you with highly qualified experts with extensive experience. The consultation will also enable you to increase your productivity and obtain funding.

The number of sessions is determined based on the need.

Yes, Fund consultants provide consultation sessions for groups.