
Positioning Saudi Arabia as a global leader in the cultural field by sustainably funding the cultural sector



Enabling the cultural sector by developing sustainable and diversified funding mechanisms & creating enabling partnerships; to enhance the social and economic impact

Pillars and Strategic Objectives


We identify suitable beneficiaries for supporting developing cultural sectors and stimulate the public cultural scene

  • We provide non-financial services to comprehensively support the cultural ecosystem.
  • We maximize results through integration with both the cultural and developmental systems.

We develop appropriate funding channels and supportive partnerships to enable beneficiaries sustainably

  • We encourage the role of the private and non-profit sectors in developing and financing the cultural sector.
  • We unify funding channels within the cultural ecosystem.

We offer optimal financing products that meet the needs and requirements of beneficiaries

  • We apply financial sustainability principles through primarily refundable financing.
  • We institutionalize the financing process from project selection to impact assessment post-completion.