About the Service


About the Service

Our goal with this service is to support establishments and entrepreneurs in the cultural sector by covering the costs of obtaining feasibility studies, certified financial statements, and licensed co-working office spaces. This is to reduce operating and establishment costs, and enhance the growth and sustainability of establishments

Eligible Beneficiaries

Entrepreneurs and individuals

working in the cultural sector


Small and medium-sized enterprises

in the cultural sector



The voucher service provides several free vouchers to SMEs and entrepreneurs in the cultural sector, enabling them to obtain: approved feasibility studies, certified financial statements audit, co-working spaces, legal support, brand guideline, and website support. It aims to reduce operational and startup costs, as well as enhance the projects growth and sustainability.

  1. Feasibility Study Voucher: Support in developing feasibility studies; To start a business, expand it, or improve its services and outputs.
  2. Financial Statement Audit Voucher: Support in reviewing and auditing financial statements.
  3. Co-working Space Voucher: Support in providing shared workspaces that offer areas for ideas, creativity, and networking with entrepreneurs in the sector.
  4. Legal Support Voucher: Provides legal consultations regarding how to establish facilities, necessary laws and regulations, contracts, agreements, and intellectual property.
  5. Brand Guideline Voucher: Support in developing brand guidelines including logo design, marketing consistency, and brand applications.
  6. Website Support Voucher: Providing support through website setup or development, either from a technical or content perspective.

All SMEs, entrepreneurs, and individuals working in the cultural sector.

You can apply by visiting Vouchers Service page, on the Fund's website.

All projects listed within the sixteen cultural sectors.

10,000 Saudi Riyals, and it can be used as a paid service.

Each voucher is allocated to one project. You can get a new voucher for your other projects if they meet the service terms. Apply now.

The Fund will directly connect you with the voucher provider after your submission is approved.

The voucher allows you to use it and benefit from it with the service provider, and once used, it cannot be refunded.

Vouchers are available until the specified quantity is depleted, so act quickly to obtain them.

The vouchers help you reduce your cultural project's startup and operational costs and contribute to its growth and sustainability. They enable you to obtain approved feasibility studies, certified financial statements, co-working spaces, legal support, , brand guideline, and a website support, all free of charge.

Yes, you can utilize the voucher, and if there are additional costs, the beneficiary covers them.

The service is provided for each voucher by the service provider as described on the website.

The required documents are clarified on the website for each voucher during the application process.

Yes, the criteria vary for each voucher. You can review the required criteria and conditions during the application process.

If you meet the required conditions and pass the criteria, you will be granted the voucher.

A maximum of 20 working days to review the application and 60 working days for service execution upon application approval.

This voucher is designated for you, so you are the only person able to use it.

You can obtain more than one voucher if you meet the specified criteria by the Fund.

Your application updates can be followed on the Mazaya platform, and you will be notified by registered email as well.