CDF Highlights the Importance of Investing in Culture at FII Global Priority Summit in Miami

31 May 2023

MIAMI, Florida, 31 March: The Saudi Cultural Development Fund (CDF) has successfully concluded its participation in the global Priority Summit in Miami, Florida. The CDF was present at the summit as a strategic partner of the Future Investment Initiative Institute, which hosted the Summit as part of a series of global events aimed at encouraging open dialogue to uncover the top priorities in the minds and hearts of individuals from all walks of life

During the summit, CDF highlighted its role as an enabler of Saudi Arabia’s cultural sector, underlining the importance of investing in cultural businesses and projects. The fund also emphasized the importance of integration between investors and the government in invigorating the Saudi cultural scene, together with the significant role of sustainable and effective investments in driving economic growth and improving the quality of life in the Kingdom.

In a fireside chat titled Inspiring Visionaries Through Investment, Najla Al-Nomair, Chief Strategy and Business Development Officer at CDF, discussed how Saudi Arabia’s rich assets from cultural diversity and creative young talents, with the government endorsement of the cultural sector, makes the Kingdom an attractive cultural and entertainment investment opportunity, in line with the Vision 2030 goals to improve quality of life. 

During the discussion, Al-Nomair explained how the new Film Sector Financing Program as CDF’s latest offerings will help kickstart the Saudi film sector and create a regional film hub in the Kingdom, which will ultimately help contribute to achieving socioeconomic and cultural development. She also showcased CDF’s role to enable creativity and cultural development through partnerships with other entities to promote the private and nonprofit sectors’ contribution, and support the creation of a growing creative cultural ecosystem.

The CDF’s strategic partnership with the FII Institute, started last year, and encompassed participation at a series of global events that aimed at building a global platform to discuss the importance of investing in humanity. 

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